
Python - TypeError – NoneType Object not Subscriptable

Python - TypeError – NoneType Object not Subscriptable | 360DigiTMG   Error!! Error!!! Error!!!! These are common popups we get while executing code, we might feel panic or irritated when we see such errors. But error notifications are actually problem solvers, every error will be identified with the proper error name which helps us to fix the error in the right direction. A Group of friends is living together due to COVID-19 lockdown, they are working on Python and they got different errors individually and started discussing their errors. So, here goes the discussion between them. Ram: Oops!! I just got an error ☹ What error did you get? : Nithin Ram: I got a None-Type object not subscriptable error! Oh really, I got the same error too in yesterday’s task. : Yash Ram: You were working on a different task but still you got the same error? Strange! Oh, is it? how come the same error for different tasks : Yash So, there is nothing much strange here! They are an absolute change of gettin